Jul 12, 2010

After 4 years in this house, Brian and I finally came to terms with the fact that we will never invest the time, sweat and creativity into doing our own landscaping.  Fortunately, I have an HJWL friend who's husband owns Bosch's Landscaping.  So I felt very comfortable going to them for an honest estimate (and also wanted to show them appreciation for their many donations to HJWL).  Today, the work was completed and we LOVE it!  It looks clean, sharp, and most of all, low maintenance. It also helps a bunch with curbside appeal.

Before: Notice the overgrown rose bush, sunk in rock border and (since we didn't take care of it this summer) an abundance of weeds.

After:  The two heights are now one smooth grade.  There are rhododendrons at the picture left, wintergem boxwood to the right, and scattered dianthus carnations which should eventually make a nice groundcover.  The tracklighting was kept but nicely placed and we now have a nice rounded border.  I don't think the picture does it justice really.

Side garden before:

Side garden now:  Stella d'oro daylilies (yellow), "Regal Splendor" Hostas, and Pardon Me daylilies (red).

Close up of garden right:


Thank you for a professional and affordable job Bosch's!


Rachael said...

Ohh!! Looks great!!! Isn't it such a great feeling when you come home and you can smile because you just love your own curb appeal :)

Jacqueline said...

Looks perfect!